Happy x4 Birthday Seeded Greeting Card


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  • 4.25"x5.5"
  • Folded
  • Blank Inside
  • Seeded

These greeting cards are printed on handmade wildflower embedded seeded paper and paired with a kraft envelope. They are hand letterpress printed on our vintage printing presses. Designed, printed, and packaged in our Lawrence, Kansas studio. Packaged individually in a clear protective sleeve.

Handmade Paper embedded with wildflower seed mixture including Black-eyed Susan, Spurred Snapdragon, Sweet Alyssum, Bird’s Eye, Farewell to spring, Dwarf Catchfly, and Shirly Poppy.


Birthday Birthday Birthday!

Happy happy happy happy birthday! Fill this blank card with a happy birthday message and send it on its way to celebrate a great day! After you read the card, plant the whole card and water away until wildflower buds grow from the handmade seeded paper.

Card Planting Instructions :
This handmade paper is embedded with wildflower seeds that will grow almost anywhere. Moisten the card and plant just under the surface of soil in a sunny spot. Water regularly until seeds germinate. It is recommended to start seeds indoors. Sprouts will form in 10-14 days. 100 days to plant maturity.